Drug discovery

zebrafish a key asset in ophthalmology drug discovery Drug discovery

Zebrafish: A key asset in ophthalmology drug discovery

Readily assess visual function in a live organism

Drug discovery

Fast Gene Target Validation & Drug Screening All In One

Harness the potential of our new Zebrafish-Based Platform for High-Throughput Gene Target Validation and Drug Screening in F0

Drug discovery

The future of animal testing 

The United States approves technological alternatives to reduce animal testing

Drug discovery

Can Zebrafish Testing Help Bring Your Drug To Market?

Zebrafish contribution to drug development reaching clinical stages

AI-in-drug-Discovery Drug discovery

How Artificial Intelligence Can Unlock Cures for Current and Future Diseases?

AI can address many challenges and limitations in traditional R&D and offer value in drug discovery in multiple ways.

In-vivo-epilepsy-research Drug discovery

Fishing for innovative alternatives for modeling epilepsy

Why zebrafish can pave the way for investigating epilepsy’s etiology and screening new anti-seizure drugs

differences-between-in-vitro-in-vivo-in-silico assays- Drug discovery

Differences between in vitro, in vivo and in silico assays in preclinical research

How to choose which type of experiment is best-suited for my research?

Drug discovery

Zebrafish on the Move Towards Eye Disorders Research

Leveraging zebrafish to study Age-related Macular Degeneration

Drug discovery

Tackling a pandemic with Zebrafish: Obesity and Non-Alcoholic Liver Disease

The emerging use of zebrafish to model metabolic diseases

Drug discovery

Zebrafish as a Translatable Model System

Are zebrafish suitable for human drug discovery?

Larvae zebrafish at ZeClinics Drug discovery

R&D: What does ZeClinics do?

ZeClinics laboratory R&D efforts are mainly divided in the development of three research platforms including a number of research areas.